Leighton Hall 2022 Entries OPEN
Entries can be completed on line on the MNW web page below;
Before completing your entry form, please ensure that you read the “Introduction letter” that gives you specific details of the event;
Details below of the Classes & fees;
CLUB SECRETARY: Mike Clear Tel: 07887 553325
SECRETARY: Liz Clear Tel: 07867 618277
EMAIL: secretary@marshalsnw.co.uk
Web: www.marshalsnorthwest.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/marshalsnorthwest
Keeping Motorcycle sport alive! – If anyone would like to help in any way by assisting with club funds / sponsorship / your time in helping setting up events / becoming a marshal or the donation of Raffle Prizes etc, then please contact Liz Clear (Secretary) who will be more than happy to hear from you
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